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Create a Validation Request Document



Uploads a document and updates the Validation Request to refer to that document. Valid file formats for documents are jpg, png and pdf. The maximum file size is 5MB.


Path Parameters

    validationRequestId stringrequired

    Id of the Validation Request to add a document to

Header Parameters

    Idempotency-Key string

    Idempotency key




Successfully uploaded document and updated Validation Request

    data object
    id string
    name string
    registryName string
    registryId string

    Charity's ID in registry

    email emailnullable
    addressLine1 stringnullable
    addressLine2 stringnullable
    city stringnullable
    postal stringnullable
    state stringnullable
    website website
    organisationId stringnullable
    countryCode string
    rejectionReason stringnullabledeprecated

    Possible values: [Organisation is not a nonprofit., Organisation didn’t provide sufficient proof of nonprofit status., Organisation is a nonprofit but doesn’t have an official registry ID., Other]

    Reason for rejecting

    rejectionReasonCode stringnullable

    Possible values: [other, not_eligible, incorrect_documentation, not_attributable_to_registry]

    Reason code for rejecting

    usaGroupExempt booleannullable
    createdAt date-time
    deletedAt date-timenullable
    acceptedAt date-timenullable
    rejectedAt date-timenullable
    documents object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    validationRequestId string
    url string
    createdAt date-time
    deletedAt date-timenullable
  • ]
  • organisationTypes string[]

    Possible values: [social_impact, nonprofit]

    object string