A Donation object tracks the lifecycle of a Donation from creation and payment to disbursement to the nonprofit.
Donations can be created during a Donation Session by the Hosted Donation Gateway or created directly by calling the Create A Donation API.
📄️ List Donations
List Donations
📄️ Create a donation
Creates a new Donation of type `direct`. We will request payment from you for the Donations aggregated over a period. Percent and our associated foundations will then handle the ongoing safe and efficient disbursement of funds to the nonprofit.
📄️ Retrieve a Donation
Retrieve a Donation
📄️ Edit a Donation
Update the recipient organisation, metadata of a Donation. The recipient organisation can only be changed for `direct` type Donations created directly through the [Create A Donation API](#tag/Donations/paths/~1v1~1donations/post) that are in an `ACTIVE` status.
📄️ Cancel a Donation
Applicable only to `direct` type Donations created directly through the [Create A Donation API](#tag/Donations/paths/~1v1~1donations/post).