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Dates are encoded as strings following the ISO 8601 standard 2021-08-01T12:00:00.000Z.


A maximum of 100 objects can be returned per request and the limit can be specified by using the pageSize query parameter. By default, pageSize is set to 25.


Some objects have a metadata parameter that you can use to store key-value data.

You may specify up to 20 keys, with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 250 characters long.


The API returns standard HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of API requests. Errors may include a custom error message. Error objects have these attributes, an id, a message corresponding to the HTTP response phrase of the error, an optional invalid-params attribute detailing issues with the request.

An example error object returned from the API:

error: {
code: 'bad_request',
title: 'Bad request',
message: 'Something is wrong with your request, please check any parameters and try again',
reasons: ['amount is a required field']

A summary of the HTTP status codes returned from the api is listed in the table below.

200SuccessRequest successful
204No ContentRequest successful with no content returned
400Bad RequestRequest was invalid
401UnauthorisedAuthorization header is invalid
403ForbiddenInsufficient permissions
404Not FoundResource does not exist
429Too Many RequestsRate Limited
500sInternal Server ErrorSomething went wrong with the Goodstack API