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Retrieve donation session



Retrieve donation session


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Id of the donation session to retrieve.


Successfully retrieved a donation session

    data object
    id string
    organisationId string
    successUrl stringnullable

    Optional URL the donor will be directed to after making a donation.

    userId stringnullable

    Id of the User who this donation belongs to, if one exists.

    url string
    status string

    Possible values: [open, completed, expired]

    createdAt date-time
    expiresAt date-time
    language string

    Default value: en-GB

    metadata objectnullable

    Key-value data that you can attach to an object. When a Donation is created from a DonationSession, the DonationSession copies its metadata to the Donation.

    currency stringnullable
    object string