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Retrieve an Organisation by country code, registry and registryId



Retrieve an Organisation by country code, registry and registryId


Path Parameters

    countryCode stringrequired

    3 letter ISO-3166 alpha 3 identifier of the country

    registry stringrequired

    Id of the registry

    registryId stringrequired

    Id of the Organisation within the registry


Retrieve a Organisation by country code, registry and registryId

    data object
    id string
    name string
    displayName stringnullable
    description string
    countryCode string
    milestones object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    amount integer
    reward string
    currencyCode string
    organisationId string
  • ]
  • categories object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    name string
    imageUrl stringnullable
    createdAt date-time
  • ]
  • type stringdeprecated

    Possible values: [nonprofit]

    logo urlnullable
    images url[]
    registry string
    registryId string
    website stringnullable
    websites string[]
    address stringnullable
    addressLine1 stringnullable
    addressLine2 stringnullable
    city stringnullable
    state stringnullable
    postcode stringnullable
    registrationDate date-timenullable
    currencyCode stringnullable
    trustees stringnullable
    claimedAt date-timenullable
    createdAt date-time
    countrySpecificProperties object
    usaGroupExempt booleannullable

    USA-specific group exempt

    isBranchParent boolean

    Whether this organisation is a parent of a branch

    object string