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Search Organisations



Search for nonprofits. The Organisations search API provides up to 1,000 results for each search that are accessible by pagination. The boolean field exhaustiveTotalResults indicates whether the totalResults are exhaustive (true) or approximate (false).


Query Parameters

    countryCode string

    Filter search by three-letter ISO country code

    registryId string

    Filter search using an organisation’s ID within their registry. Useful with usaGroupExempt param

    category[] string[]

    Only return Organisations in the given Categories

    notCategory[] string[]

    Do not return Organisations in the given Categories

    tags[] string[]

    Only return Organisations with the specified tags. To fetch organisations with tag X AND Y use the following ?tags[]=X&tags[]=Y. To fetch organisations with tag X OR Y use the following ?tags[]=X,Y.

    notTags[] string[]

    Do not return Organisations with the specified tags. To fetch organisations with tag X AND NOT with Y use the following ?tags[]=X&notTags[]=Y. To fetch organisations with not include tag X OR Y use the following ?notTags[]=X,Y. To fetch organisations with not include tag X AND Y use the following ?notTags[]=X&notTags[]=Y

    type[] string[]

    Possible values: [nonprofit]

    Restrict search to a single type of organisation.

    query string

    Possible values: <= 500 characters

    usaGroupExempt boolean

    Filter search by USA-specific group exempt. Recommended to use with registryId param

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Page number, for pagination.

    pageSize integer

    Default value: 25

    How many items per page, for pagination.


Successfully retrieved a page of organisations

    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    name string
    displayName stringnullable
    description string
    countryCode string
    milestones object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    amount integer
    reward string
    currencyCode string
    organisationId string
  • ]
  • categories object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    name string
    imageUrl stringnullable
    createdAt date-time
  • ]
  • type stringdeprecated

    Possible values: [nonprofit]

    logo urlnullable
    images url[]
    registry string
    registryId string
    website stringnullable
    websites string[]
    address stringnullable
    addressLine1 stringnullable
    addressLine2 stringnullable
    city stringnullable
    state stringnullable
    postcode stringnullable
    registrationDate date-timenullable
    currencyCode stringnullable
    trustees stringnullable
    claimedAt date-timenullable
    createdAt date-time
    countrySpecificProperties object
    usaGroupExempt booleannullable

    USA-specific group exempt

    isBranchParent boolean

    Whether this organisation is a parent of a branch

  • ]
  • totalResults integer
    pageNumber integer
    pageSize integer
    _links object
    current string
    first string
    last string
    prev string
    next string
    exhaustiveTotalResults boolean

    whether the totalResults are exhaustive (true) or approximate (false)

    object string